The Complete HTML Teacher

Adding A Chat Room

Offering your visitors a chat room is wonderful! It's a great way to keep in touch with your visitors, for your visitors to get to know you, and to get traffic, and get that traffic coming back again and again.

It also requires extensive knowledge of Java, a four year degree in programming, a work history that includes a job as "webmaster of yahoo", and a genius I.Q.

Not really :)

But, in order to create a chat room, you will have to know how to program in Java...however, there are also free services you can use, and just copy and paste the information they give you into the page that you call chat.html. You would then link to your chat.html page from the main page of your site...and it would bring the visitor to your chat room.

The best place we have found for a chat room for your site is Crazy Chat.

Simply sign up with them, copy and paste the code they give you into the page you have made and named chat.html. The crazy chat code goes between your body tags....nothing else goes between your body tags! It is important that you not change the code in any way. Just paste it between the body tags, name the page chat.html, and put a link to that page on your main page.

Some other services that you might want to check out are:



You can be chatting in your very own chat room in a matter of minutes!

I'm chatting away!


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