The Complete HTML Teacher

About HTML Editors

An HTML Editor is a program that is used to help you design web pages. It makes shortcuts for you, and basically makes things easier.

However, you can create HTML documents using Notepad or Wordpad just as well....and you will learn something in the process.

Since HTML Editors can be costly, and they prevent you from actually learning HTML, it is advised that you not use such programs until after you know HTML.

If you want to use an HTML editor anyway, or if you think you might want to use one after you have learned HTML, choose your software wisely.

There are many, many editors out there...some better than others. The best that we have ever found are Allaire's Homesite and UnderConstruction98.

If you are going to use an HTML editor, you can look at our Directory of HTML Editors to find more choices. Just remember to check out each one carefully before making any purchases.

You should also check out our Directory of Other Useful Software. This is a listing of software that will be very useful to you in your new career as webmaster.

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