The Complete HTML Teacher

Saving and Naming Your Pages

Before your pages can be upload your pages to your site, the pages must be saved, and named.

This is not difficult. To save anything, you just follow these steps:

  • Click on file at the top of your window.

  • Click on "Save As..."

  • Another small window will pop up. You determine where the file will be saved on your harddrive at the top of that box, where it says "Save In".

  • Decide what you will name the file. Type this in the box that says "File Name".

  • Decide what type of file it is that you are saving. Choose your option in the box that says "Save as type".

  • Check to make sure everything is the way you wanted it, and hit the "Save" button.

That's all there is to saving a file.

Now, you need to know exactly how to save your web pages.

First, make a folder for your pages. This folder can be made either on your desktop or in your documents folder...where ever you want it to be. You can also name this new folder whatever you wish to name it. To create a new folder inside of another folder, simply click on file, new, then folder. To create a new folder on your desktop, right click anywhere on your desktop, select new, then folder.

If you are using an HTML editor, you will of course want to save your pages in a folder inside your editors folder. The important thing is that all of your pages are saved into the same folder.

The next issue is the "File Name". This is important. No matter what your file name is, it must end with .htm or .html. If you wanted to save your page and name it index, you would type this into the box: index.html or index.htm Either file extension (.html or .htm) will work. Generally .htm is used on machines that are running Windows 3.1 and .html are used on machines that are running MAC or Windows 95, 98, or NT. They both stand for Hypertext Markup Language.

The file name should be typed in all lowercase letters.

The next thing to do when saving your pages, is to check the appropriate choice where it says "Save as type". The appropriate choice is "text documents".

Now, when you are naming your pages, the very first page must be called index.html or index.htm This is your opening page that your main URL will bring your visitors to. The reason for this is that they won't need to put the name of the file in the URL. For instance, if you typed into your browser, it will take you to the opening page of The Home Business Files. If you typed it will still take you to the opening page for The Home Business Files.

After the opening page, you can name the other pages for your site anything you like, as long as they have the .html or .htm extension at the end, and there are no spaces.

It is suggested that you do NOT name your files index.html, index1.html, index3.html, etc. You need to name your files something that you will recognize. For instance, if you have a page that has links to your favorite sites, you might want to name it favorites.html or links.html. It needs to be something that you will recognize....where you will know exactly which page that file is. This will help you out a lot when you are advertising different pages of your site, or when you need to update some information on your webpages.

The file names become part of the URL. For instance, if you went to You would arrive at the opening page of The Home Business Files. If you clicked on the link that says "Awards" to see our awards, you can see in the address box of your browser that the URL now becomes

There are many other file extensions that can be used when naming web pages, but this is the one you need to use for now. The others stand for other types of pages. For instance, .asp at the end of the file name, stands for Active Server Pages...which is a whole other e-book! We are learning basic HTML in this e-book.

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