The Complete HTML Teacher

You Can Create A Page

Are you ready? It's time to create your first basic page.

Just use either notepad, or your HTML editor, or the editor that your webhosting service provides.

You start with the basic tags:

<title>The Title Of Your Page Goes Here</title>

Now, you can configure your body tag. Inside the tag, you should choose your background image or your background color, your text color, link color, active link color, and visited link color. Your tag will look like this:

<body background="yourimage.gif" text="blue" link="red" alink="green" vlink="yellow">

If you are using a background color, instead of an image, it may look like this:

<body bgcolor="white" text="blue" link="red" alink="green" vlink="yellow">

If you are going to use a special type of font, you should choose that next, and put the font tag under your body tag. You can find more on using fonts in the section entitled Fonts and How To Use Them.

<font face="lucida blackletter">

With that done, you should add the text and graphics that you want. This is a practice page, so you can just say something about yourself, or your company, etc. You can refer to Other Basic Tags for help with manipulating the text.

After adding your text and graphics...remember the page must be ended:

</font> (used if you used the <font> tag after the body tag.

Now, check over your page. Did you close all the tags that require a closing tag, such as center, font, body, html, bold, italics, underline, etc?

Once you think it is all correct, you should view your page...see how it looks in the browser of your choice. To do this, save your page as a text document. Make sure that your page, and all of the files named in your page are in the same file...such as graphics and midi's. You can dump it all into one folder on your desktop.

Then, upload the page to your site using ftp. You may also use your webhosts upload utility. Remember to also upload any graphics or midi's that you used! Then, type in your URL, and see how it looks!

If you are using an HTML editor, you should be able to view your pages without uploading them, using the viewer that comes with the your editor's instructions for more information on this.

You have now created your first basic page. If there appear to be errors when viewing the page in a web browser...go back to your HTML editor, look for the problem, and fix it! One of the great things is that even after you have published your page....uploaded it to the is not written in stone, you can always change it!

Hey! I Did It!!


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