The Complete HTML Teacher

Adding A Free For All Links Page

You can have a free for all links page on your site, which is another great way to generate traffic. Unfortunately, there aren't many places that offer this free service. You can use a message board as a free for all links page...but that isn't any fun.

This is one case where you are going to have to learn about the cgi-bin and get the script from Matt's Script Archive, read the directions, and get it all installed, if you want a free for all links page.

Don't Panic!

First, you must have access to a cgi-bin on your server. If you don't have a cgi-bin, then there is no need for you to read this...just simply go to the cgi page, and find out where you can get access to cgi services. The cgi servers usually have their own way of setting things up, so you will need to follow their instructions.

The instructions in the readme file at Matt's are pretty clear...but if you have trouble with them, you can always send them e-mail for help. Sometimes it takes a couple of days for them to get back to you...but they will help you the best they can.

The important thing is that you read the directions, and follow them exactly.

Using one of the free cgi servers is just as harder, no easier...than using Matt's scripts. The only difference is that with Matt's, you must have access to your servers cgi-bin. If you are unsure if you do or not, check with the webmaster of the webhosting service you are using.

Okay, got it....Move on!


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